辨证施治:四川藏区农牧民致贫原因的实证调查与分析//袁晓文 陈东(33)
我的青少年时代----任乃强《筱庄笔记·身世录》录注(一)//任新建 何洁校注(115)
菩提心思想与进化论道德观共性初探//仁增才郎 陈通(175)
1. On the Possible States and Governance Methods of the Poverty Remains//WANG Wen-chang
2. Long-term Thinking of the Poverty Alleviation and Development in Tibetan Areas Based on the Vulnerability of Poverty and Sustainable Livelihood//sK yid mo mtsho
3. Analyze the Causes for poverty in Pastoral Areas of TAR from the Perspective of Livelihood Capital—A Case Study of Bange County//bsKal-bzang sGrol-ma
4. A Study on the Causes for Poverty and Efficiency of Taking Targeted Measures to Help People out of Poverty in rNam-gling Couny//CHEN Mo
5. Diagnosis and Treatment: Empirical Investigation and Analysis of the Causes for Poverty of Farmers and Herdsmen in Tibetan Area in Sichuan//YUAN Xiao-wen, CHEN Dong
6. Research and Analysis of the Two Samples of Taking Targeted Measures to Help People out of Poverty in Sichuan Tibetan Area and Yi Area//HE Wen-hai
7. Review of the Symposium of Taking Targeted Measures to Help People out of Poverty in Tibetan Areas//bsTan-vdzin Tshe-brtan
8. Some Issues related to the Cliff Inscriptions from Tubo Time at Renda of Chaya County—Experience from the Field Research of Renda Cliff Inscriptions//Pa sangs dBang vdus
9. Translation and Annotations of the Tantric Salvation Ritual of P.T.245//Tshe Ring
10. Translation and Annotations the Quotations of Zen Masters in P.T.116//NIU Hong
11. The Songs of bTsan-mo Sad-mar-kar//ZHU Li-shuang
12. A Study on the “Mun-dmag”----Exploration of the Military-Political System of Tubo Empire//REN Xiao-bo
13. My Juvenile Years----The Life Experience Chapter of Xiaozhuang Notes Written by Ren Naiqiang(I)//Proofread and Annotated by REN Xin-jian, HE Jie
14. Compilation and Translation of the Archives Catalogue Related to Tibet from the Mongolia Archives Collected in Qing Cabinet (Daic ing gurun-u dotoyatu yamun-u mongyol bic ig-un ger-un dangse)(V)//CAI Hong
15. Archaeological Sidelights for the Phying-ba sTag-rtse Relics//HUO Wei
16. A Study on the Patterns of Tibetan Dzi Beads and Other Issues(I)//HUANG Yong
17. A Study on the Materials and Painting Craft of Nian-du-hu Monastery’s Murals in Qinghai Province//LI Bo
18. A Brief Discussion of the Similarities between Bodhicitta Thought and Evolutionary Morality//Rig-vdzin Tshe-ring, Chen Tong
19. Analysis of the Introduction Time of Pehar into Tubo//YANG Wei
20. Review of the “Collection, Collation, and Study of Historical Materials of Modern Frontier” Seminar//QIU Yi-hua
21. The First Training Course for Editors of Tibet Studies Held in Beijing//Editorial Office
22. New Harvest of the Study on Tibetan Operas----Book Review of Form Studies on Tibet’s Tibetan Opera//Dam Chos
23. Index of Selected Research Papers and Materials on Tibetan Studies in China of 2016(II)//The Library of CTRC
交友、礼物与交换----西藏地区藏汉民众交往情况调查分析//苏发祥 乔小河(5)
----以中村不折旧藏本《古太公教》为中心//萨尔吉 萨仁高娃(39)
略论藏文藻饰词//仁增 傅利平 桑杰(75)
《娘氏教法源流》译注(八)//娘·尼玛沃色著 许渊钦译注(82)
蒲文成先生访谈录//蒲文成口述 格桑翁姆 罗静萍整理(103)
美国《西藏政策法》研究----历史追溯、立法分析与政策评估//肖杰 谷泓(111)
西藏林业碳汇经济价值评估及实现机制探讨//李艳梅 孙丽云 杨涛(128)
西藏特色农产品高端品牌原型及形成机制研究----基于供应链视角//曹佛宝 狄方耀 杨建州(133)
万玛才旦电影中的佛教景观//郁丹著 刘冬梅译(172)
“国际政治中的涉藏问题”专题研讨会综述//程早霞 江琼环(180)
1. Friendship, Present and Exchange-Analysis the Han-Tibetan People’s Contacts in Tibet//SU Fa-xiang, QIAO Xiao-he
2. On the Contribution to Han-Tibetan Buddhism Cultural Communication by Master Fa Zun//vjam-dbyangs-blo-gros
3. A Comparison between the Han and Tibeian Versions of the Story “Monkey left its heart at home”//LIN Ji-fu
4. Heihe and Chu-nag-Examples for the Substratum and Continuity of Ancient Tibetan-Burmese Geographical Names on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau//LIU Tie-cheng
5. On Confusion Maxim Readings in Dunhuang Tibetan Manuscripts-Centered on the Taigong’s Instruction in the Old Collection of Nakamura Fuestsu//Sarje,Sarengaowa
6. On the Political and Military Structure of Khams Region in the early Qing Dynasty and the “West Da-jianlu Battle” at the Turn of the Century//ZHAO Xin-yu
7. On Kang Youwei’s Concern about Monglian-Tibetan Affairs and National Unity//ZHANG Shuang-zhi
8. A Brief Discussion on Tibetan Embellishments in Writing//Rig-vdzin, FU-ping, Sangs-rgysa
9. Translation and Annotation of Nyang Chos vbyung me tog snying po sbrang rtsivi bcud(VIII)… Written by Nyang Nyi-ma vod-zer, Translated by XU Yuan-qin
10. Compilation and Translation of the Archives Catalogue Related to Tibet from the Mongolia Archives Collected in Qing Cabinet(Daic ing gurun-u dotoyatu yamun-u mongyol bi cig-un ger-un dangse)(IV)//CAI Hong
11. Interview Record of Mr. Pu Wen-cheng//Direted by PU Wen-cheng//written by sKal-bzang-mo and LUO Jing-ping
12. A Study on the Tibetan Policy of Act of the United States-Historical Retrospection, Legislative Analysis and Policy Evaluation//XIAO Jie, GU Hong
13. Political Study on the Religious Legal System in the Republican Period-Based on the Procedure for Lama’s Incarnation//sNying-phrug-zla-med
14. A Discussion about the Economic Value Assessment and Realization Mechanism of Tibe’s Forestry Carbon Sequestration//LI Yan-mei, SUN Li-yun, YANG Tao
15. A Research on the Prototype of High-end Brands of Tibet’s Featured Agricultural Products and The Formation Mechanism-Based on the Perspective of Supply Chain//CAO Fo-bao, DI Fang-yao, YANG Jian-zhou
16. A Research on the Implication of the “Sakymuni Preaching” Mural in the bKav-vgyur Hall of Zha-lu Monastery//WANG Chuan-bo
17. A Preliminary Analysis on the sK yog-mo-lung chos-vbyung//Mig-dmar tshe-ring
18. On the Inheritance and Text Characteristics of Manuscripts and Wood-blocked Prints of the Gesar//LI Lian-rong
19. On the Buddist Landscape in Padma tshe-brtan;s Movies//Written by Dan Syerm Yu, translated by LIU Dong-mei
20. Review of the Syposium on “Tibet-related Issues in International Politics”CHENG Zao-xia, JIANG Qiong-huan
21. Review of the First Young Scholars Forum of China’s Tibetology-New Historical Materials, New Pespectives, and China’s Tibetology//PWI Ru-di
22. Precious Materials for Study the Tibet-Governing and Tibetan Buddhism in the Qing Dynasty-Book Review of the Compilation of Valuable Historical Materials about the Summer Resort and outer Eight Temples//BIAN Ji
23. Selected Catalogues of Tibetology Books in 2015(Chinese Books)//Editorial Office
24. Selected Publications on Tibetan Studies in Taiwan and Hongkong in 2015//Editorial Office
25. Index of Selected Research Papers and Materials on Tibetan Studies in China of 2016(I)//The Library of CTRC