甘肃藏区非物质文化遗产保护调查研究//杨勇 刘巍文(12)
《娘氏教法源流》译注(六)//娘·尼玛沃色著 许渊钦译注(45)
《世界地理概说》译注//扎敦·格桑丹贝坚赞著 德倩旺姆译注(57)
内强素质 外塑形象 服务社会----在第十一届全国因明学术研讨会的讲话//郑堆(115)
龙树的四句否定四解//淮芳 张忠义(139)
阿旺丹德尔因明学研究概述//秀仁 图·乌力吉(144)
由维摩诘经变赞普问疾图看吐蕃之后的敦煌社会//沙武田 李国(180)
藏医学对腹水症的认知关系探究//才让扎西 尼玛次仁(201)
1. A Research of the Tradition of Patriotism Education in Tibetan Buddhism in Gansu//Research Group of China Tibetology Research Center
2. An Investigation Report on the Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection in Tibetan-Inhabited Areas of Gansu //YANG Yong, LIU Wei-wen
3. On the History of Ya-rtse//Zla bat she ring
4. On the Resident Vod-ser Hutukutu in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty//LI De-cheng
5. Herdsmen’s Gift World//Padma mtsho
6. The Translation and Annotation of Nyang Chos vbyung me tog snying po sbrang rtsivi bcud(VI)//Written by Nyang nyi ma vod zer, Translated by Xu Yuanqin
7. Translation and Annotation of vDzam-gling-yul-bshad//Written by Skal bzang bstan pavi rgyal mtshan, Translated by Bde chen dbang mo
8. Recollection of Tutor Tshe brten zhabs drung//PU Wen-cheng
9. Taiwan Impression//WANG Fu-ren
10. On the Principal-Subordinate Monastery System in Tibetan Buddhism and Its Origins//Lha byams rgyal
11. The Source Correlations of Sino-Tibetan Avalokitesvara Belief and Tara Belief//CHEN Li-hua
12. Influences and Results of the Introduction of Tibetan Buddhism into the Tu People Area in Hehuang//QI Jin-yu
13. A Brief Examination on the Life of Master Tsong-kha-pa//Skal bzang rgyal
14. Speech at the 11th National Symposium on Buddhist Logic//Dram dui
15. A Brief Discussion on the Appearance and Nature of Pramana in Pramunavarttika//CHEN You-xin
16. On the Tibetan Studies and Buddhist Logical Studies in the Cina Buddhist Academy//SHEN Hai-bo
----纪念西藏自治区成立50周年//朱晓明 王小彬(8)
关于高寒牧区冲突的经济学再分析//姚宇 陈津竹(73)
30年来我国内地西藏班(校)研究述评//喻永庆 孟立军(122)
藏尼走廊吉隆沟达曼村人的族际交往与身份认同关系调查//刘勇 纳森(138)
由科研成果考察西藏自治区文化遗产保护取得的成就与面临的主要问题//秦伯豪 郭宏(215)
美国少数民族的语言权益:双语还是唯英语----以西班牙语为例//李智 陈子实(250)
《娘氏教法源流》译注(五)//娘·尼玛沃色著 许渊钦译注(256)
从藏文史籍中的四个称谓看吐蕃对唐太宗的认知//石硕 韩滕(269)
唐代吐蕃土地买卖法律制度探蠡//侯文昌 多晓萍(292)
冯德遐使蕃考//郑炳林 张旭(302)
略论喜饶嘉措大师对藏汉文化交流的贡献//扎西才旦 喜饶尼玛(350)
拉萨金铜制造机构“雪堆白”成立时间及其职能的初步研究//张学渝 李晓岑(372)
西藏杂技艺术//丁玲辉 杨建鹏(381)
一个真实的康巴和她的历史:格勒博士新著《康巴史话》读后//刘波 邹敏(401)
1. Seize Historical Trend and Explore Development Law – On the Three Climaxes and Two Low Ebbs of Tibetan Historical Development//Lhag pa phun tshogs
2. Retrospect and Summary of Contemporary Tibetan Historical Development – Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Tibet Autonomous Region//ZHU Xiao-ming, WANG Xiao-bin
3. On the Views Needed to Be Persisted in the Cultural Geography Research of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau//CHE Ming-huai
4. The Glorious Model of Solving Ethnic Minority Problem with Chinese Characteristics – Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Tibet Autonomous Region//LIAN Xiang-min
5. Exploration of the Establishment Process of Tibet Autonomous Region//LIANG Jun-yan
6. Successful Practice of the System of Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities in Tibet//YANG Jun-cai
7. Tibetan Rural Land Reform and Economic Transition – Investigation Centered on Rnam-sras-gling Villaage//FANG Su-mei
8. Economic Reanalysis on Conflicts in the Alpine Pastoral Region//YAO Yu, CHEN Jin-zhu
9. Influences of Region Optimization on the Great-leap-forward Development Realization of Tibet’s Animal Husbandry//ZHANG Jian-xiong
10. A Study on the System of Central Enterprises’ Counterpart Assistance to Tibet under Marketization Context//YANG Ming-hong
11. An Evaluation Report of the Implementation of Basic Pension Insurance System for Urban and Rural Residents in Tibet Autonomous Region//Research Group of Evaluation of the Implementation of Pension Insurance System for Urban and Rural Residents in Tibet Autonomous Region
12. Research Review of Inland Tibetan Class/School in Three Decades//YU Yong-qing, MENG Li-jun
13. Small-scale Border Trade and Border Inhabitants’ Income Increasing in Tibet//Dralo
14. A Survey of the Relationship between Inter-ethnic Communication and Identity of Da Man Village in Skyid-rong Ravine//LIU Yong, Na Sen
15. The Influences of the Lhasa-Shigatse Railway to Chinese-India Railway Diplomacy under the “One Belt and One Road” Context//Degyi drokar
16. Recall My Practice in Tibet in 1964-1965- Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Tibet Autonomous Region//ZHU Yu-eli
17. The Song and Dance Troupe of Tibet and I//ZHU You-tao
18. The Past and Present of Skyo Mo Lung Pa-//Sangsryas dongrug
19. Academic Chain in Turmoil- A Brief Survey Review of the Tibetan Social History(1949-1999)//HE Bei-li
20. A Survey Report of the Sino- Tibetan Relationship in Tibet during Last Five Years// ZHANG Jun
21. Observation of the Achievements and Main Challenges of the Cultural Heritage Protection in Tibet Autonomous Region Based on Research Results//QIN Bo-hao, GUO Hong
22. Reflection on the Modernization Advancement of Governance System and Capacity in Tibetan Region//DU Yong-bin
23. On the Modernization Advancement of Governance System and Capacity in Political Development//Lhagyal Dondrop
24. The Government Must Function Better in the Great-leap-forward Development of Tibet//WU Li
25. Language Rights of American Ethnic Minorities: Bilingualism or English-only – A Case Study of Spainish//LI Zhi, CHEN Zi-shi
26. Translation and Annotation of Nyang Chos-vbyung me-dog snying-po sbrang-rtsevi bcad(V)//Translated by Xu Yuanqin
27. An Analysis of Tubo’s Cognition and Evaluation of Emperor Tang Taizong through Four Appellations in Tibetan Historical Records//SHI Shuo, HAN Teng
28. Tibetan Culture in the Separatist Period Never Be Separated – Based on the Newly- Discovered Tibetan Documents of 9th – 13th Centuries//HUANG Wei-zhong
29. On the Conten and Value of the Tibetan Long Historical Archives Shui Yang Inventory of the Dgav-ldan-pho-brang Reign//Losang Putri
30. A Preliminary Study on Tubo’s Legal System of Land Transaction in the Tang Dynasty//HOU Wen-chang, DUO Xiao-ping
31. A Study on Feng Dexia’s Mission to Tubo//Zheng Bing-lin, ZHANG Xu
32. An Preliminary Study on the Funeral Rites and Its Cultural Connotation of Prehistoric Tombs in Tibet//WANG Yu
33. Tibet in the Republican Period under the Perspective of International Law//Spenpa lhamo
34. A Comparative Analysis of the Two “Expulsion of Han Chinese” Events in Tibet in the Republican Period//PEI Ru-di
35. On the Treatment of Guardian Deities during the Gold Urn System (Gser bum skrug pa )Establishment Process//ZHANG Xi
36. A Study on the Parinirvana Place of the Third Dalai Lama//Borhigidai Oyunbilig
37. A Brief Discussion of the Contributions to Sino-Tibetan Cultural Communication Made by Shesrab rgyamtsho//Bkrashis tshertan, Shesrab nyima
38. On the Kailash Worship and Its Characteristics of in Indo-Tibetan Cultural Perspective- Commemoration of the Kailash Worship in the Year of Horse//Tongme
39. The Development of the Eight-Auspicious-Symbols Pattern on Porcelains of the Ming and Qing Dynasties//SHI Ting-ting
40. A preliminary Study on the Established Time and Functions of the Gold and Copper Manufacturing Organization “Zhul-vdod-dpal” in Lhasa//ZHANG Xue-yu, LI Xiao-cen
41. On the Tibetan Acrobatic Art//Ding Linghui, Yang Jianpeng
42. On the Reputation Esscnce of Reb-gong Thangka as a Geographical Indication and the Effects on Market Supply//CHEN Xiao-jun
43. An Attempting Discussion on the Term of “Tibetan Issue”//CHEN Peng-hui
44. A Real Khams-pa and Her History: After Reading Dr. Dge legs’ New Work Khangpa’s History//LIU Bo, ZOU Min
45. Tibet in the Eyes of a Ladakh Muslim-Review of Tibetan Caravans//YANG Xiao-chun
46. Summary of the Cross-Strait Tibetan History and Culture Symposium in 2015//QIU Yi-hua
47. Summary of the Third National Academic Periodicals of Tibetology Development Conference//Bstan vdzin norbu
48. Summary of the “Exploring New Grounds in Trans-Himalayan Studies” International Symposium//Staff Repoter
我的藏学研究之路//周季文口述 赤乃翁姆 次仁卓玛整理(86)
《王忠嗣碑》所见吐蕃史料钩沉//徐伟 吴疆(103)
多续藏族土司研究//袁晓文 韩正康(114)
白马藏族信仰与神灵体系的田野考察//格桑卓玛 杨士宏 班旭东(142)
藏族60岁以上老人阿尔茨海默病影响因素研究//尚颖黄福开 罗远带 武鹏 黄雪 鲁星燚 甄丽芳 胡贤达(147)
文化调适与社会资本重建:以三江源生态移民为例//韦仁忠 唐任伍(157)
西藏哲蚌寺措钦大殿内转经道空鼓壁画保护修复//胡苏龙 祁娜 王力丹(171)
----以内蒙古大昭寺“花变主题佛”壁画为例//徐永明 赵静(175)
藏语久治话的音位系统及其语音的历史演变//华侃 多杰东智 南卡多杰(178)
汉藏语言谱系分类的新构想//何丽 李玲(188)
西藏和四省藏区文化保护与现代化战略学术研讨会综述//格勒 郭建勋(192)
1. An Anthropologist’s Narrative of His Research History—Centered on Li Anzhai’s Autobiography(May 15th 1961)(Ⅰ)//WANG Chuan
2. A Research Report of Chieftains in Derge,Xikang Province, Northwest Sichuan during the Republic of China by Li Anzhai and Yu Shiyu//TIAN Li-jun
3. Li Anzhai’s Cultural Identity and National Complex in the Emic Approach of Applied Anthropology in Tibet//HUANG Mao
4. A Model of Field Study in Early China: Li Anzhai’s Investigation of Tibetan Society and Zuni Society//GUO Yi-dan
5. Life Intersections and Academic Similarities and Differences between Gu Jiegang and Li Anzhai//WANG Hong-liang
6. Reminiscence of Professor Li Anzhai, with Special Reference to the Overseas Studies of His Works//LONG Da-rui
7. A Review of the Studies on Li Anzhai from an Editor’s Perspective—A Paradigm Transformation of Academic Research Review//LIN Ri-zhang
8. New Developments of the Studies on Li Anzhai’s Academic Heritage//LI Tian-rong
9. Catalogue of Li Anzhai’s Works//WAN Qi-li
10. The Young Lama Vocational School of Labrang Monastery and I//HUANG Ming-xin
11. My Road to Tibetan Studies//Dictated by ZHOU Ji-wen,//Arranged by Vphrinlas Dbangmo, Tsering Sgrolma
12. A Study on the Concept toward Tibet Constructed by the Tang Dynasty(I)//LIN Guan-qun
13. A Research of Tubo Historical Materials in the Wang Zhongsi Inscription//XU Wei, WU Jiang
14. Regent Candidates in Tibetan Loca History//Yang dron
15. A Study on Duoxu Tibetan Chieftains//YUAN Xiao-wen, HAN Zheng-kang
16. The Influence of Nyag-rong Mgon-po Rnam-rgyal Event on the Sino-Tibetan Relationship in the Late Qing Dynasty//Yudrug Tsomo
17. A Study of the Chinese Translation of Fushi Yaomen(The Quintessential Instruction of Eating Stone)----A Rnying-ma Test Included in Dasheng Yaodao Miji//YANG Jie
18. A Brief Research of the History of Reconstruction and Expansion of the Panchen Building and Jietai Building in the Yonghegong Lama Temple//WANG Yan
19. A Field Study of the Baima Tibetans’ Belief and Deity System//Bskalbzang Sgrolma, YANG Shi-hong, BAN Xu-dong
20. The Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease among Tibetans Aged 60 Years and Older//SHANG Ying, HUANG Fu-kai, LUO Yuan-dai, WU Peng, HUANG Xue, LU Xing-yi, ZHEN Li-fang, HU Xian-da
21. A Study on the Orphan Relief Problem in Tibetan Regions of China//WANG Jing-qian
22. Cultural Adjustment and Social Capital Reconstruction----A Case Study of the Ecomigration in the Three River Sources Region//WEI Ren-zhong,TANG Ren-wu
23. City around the Temple: The Rise and Development of Xiahe Urbanization in the Period the Republic of China//GUO ZHI-he
24. The Protection and Restoration of Murals in the Circumambulation in Tshogs-chen Hall of Drepung Monastery in Tibet//HU Su-long, QI Na, WANG Li-dan
25. The Simulated Mural Restoration Basedon Modern Information Technology ---- A Case Study of the Jo-Khang Temple Murals in Inner Mongolia//XU Yong-ming, ZHAO Jing
26. The Historica Development of the Phonemic System and Phonology of Gcig Sgril-rdzong’s Tibetan Dialect//HUA Kan, Dorje Dongrub, Namkhav Dorje
27. A New Conception of the Genealogical Classification of Sino-Tibetan Language//HE Li, LI Ling
28. Academic Trends
Summary of the Academic Symposium on Cultural Protection and Modernization Strategy in Five Major Tibetan-inhabited Regions//(Geleg, GUO Jian-xun)
The Conversazione of Tibetan History of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Deng Rui-ling’s 90th Birthday Celebration Held in Beijing//(LIANG Jun-yan)
Corrections//(DENG Rui-ling)
29.Index of Selected Research Papers and Materials on Tibetan Studies in China of 2014(II)//The Library of CTRC
台湾佛教发展现状及带给藏传佛教的思考//郑堆 李德成//(8)
----西藏档案馆口述系列之一//霍康·强巴旦达口述 道帏·才让加整理(28)
西藏那曲地区牧民能源贫困研究//杨涛 郑勇维//127
西藏新型农牧民经济合作组织生长机制分析----基于适应性视角//吴春宝 青觉(134)
西藏交通运输与旅游经济协调发展研究//宗刚 李婧(140)
西藏碳汇资源评估与碳汇产业发展路径分析//李艳梅 赵锐(147)
略论藏医药八十幅曼唐挂画//尕藏多吉 泽让娜科//(175)
“藏学前沿问题国际学术研讨会”会议综述//程早霞 曲晓丽(181)
1. Review: Editing and publishing A Comprehensive Tibetan-Chinese Dictionary Under instructions of Deng Xiaoping//Lhagpa Phuntshogs
2. The current situation of the development of Buddhism in Taiwan giving an impetus to think about Tibetan Buddhism//Dramdul LI De-cheng
3. Tibetan lamas whom I get acquainted with//WANG Yao
4. Horkhang family and some eminent Tibetan monks in modern times//Oral accounting by Champa Dandar Wirtten by Tsering Gyal
5. On the correlations between Zhang zhung and he-bdel//LIU Jie
6. A historical rescarch on Zhashi city//HE Xiao-dong
7. The practice of exchanging mi-gla and mutual beneficiary within relatives//Ser Zangtso
8. Tibetan an thropoligical studies and its in fluences during the period of Nazi domination in Germany//ZHAO Guang-rui
9. On the British Commissioner Stationed in Sikkim visiting Tibet during the Nationalist period//ZHU Zhao-hua
10. The evolution and characteristics of Japan’s policy on Tibet//QIN Yong-zhang
11. Vphang-thang Po-brang Catalogue: Its compiling date, portraits, in scriptions, classification of documents and values//Tse ring
12. Views on physical and mental dharma in mngon-pa mdzod//GAO Ying
13. Aprecious document concerning the search and confirmation of the 5th
Reincarnation of Icang-skya Living Buddha//ZHANG Shuang-zhi
14.The poverty of energy of herdsmen in Nagchu region of Tibet//YANG Tao ZHENG Yong-wei
15.Analysis of the growth mechanism of the new type economic corperative organizations of Tibetan farmers and nomads//WU Chun-bao Qing gue
16.On the coordinative development of communications and transportation with tourism in Tibet//ZONG Gang LI Qing
17.The assessment of carbon sink resources in Tibet and the way of expanding carbon sink industry//Li Yan-mei ZHAO Rui
18.A study on the equalization of the basic public health services in Tibet//YANG Wei-wei
19.Dunhuang Tibetan Nayin manuscript on a cycle of sixty years//LIU Ying-hua
20.Notes on the 80 Tibetan sman-thang hanging Charts//Gesang Dorje Tsering Lhako
21.A survey of the 4th Symposium on Interpretation of Tibetan Buddhism Doctrine//Lumo Tso
22.A survey of the International Symposium on Critical Issues of Tibetan Stadies//CHENG Zao-xia QU Xiao_li
23.“Topchak”: Tibetan metal amulet//LONG Dong
24.Index of theses and materials on Tibetan Studies in China, 2014//Library of China Tibetology Research Center